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Old 07-06-2010, 05:40 AM   #1
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Default ...~* Poetry from my heart of hearts *~...

Over the years, I've written some of my own poetry: Some of my poems are about how I view social issues or the human condition... But I wanted to leave some of my poetry here in this community. I hope you will enjoy the poetry and/or prose that I have written over the years. ~ALK

Pythagorean Melody

These thoughts,
Transposed: onto your Berlin Papyrus,
Come from the cosine
Of indexical, yet identical thought –
Not Euclidean, nor Chaldean by origin.
But some would say follow this star:
Star of night, or the
Star of day
Numbered in succinctness – a
Delectable: ballet.
Perplexed by the theorem
No angled cosine to save; yet
Though I know the camel travels
Isolated, yet free to roam rivulet – oh!
Water of life, plenty for thirst
The desert will not perish, nor its fruits
Dates, coconut palms, and currants bleeding with juice;
In Egypt the kings sleep – but the
Queen of the Nile,
Who walked more than many a mile,
Was buried at deep before birth –
Ideas born of myrrh
Frankincense adored with gold
Nonetheless, brilliant and bold
Pharaohs’ scepter was touching my soul:
Like a stealth mathematickoi
Code of honor
No breach of trust –
It’s a must.
Cicero'd by trig tempered rhetoric
Quietly listening as an akousmatikoi
The akousmata, tis powerful
Bend it with imagination
Flow with the force of the river – you
Stepped into the waters
Cleansed; and as you emerged, the
Stellar musculature of medicine will
Take hold within your might:
For tis the principle of the strongest
Dreamed link, predicated on a starless journey –
No moon to wish on, but
Deeply moaning, we go into the night.
Never looking back,
There is nothing to gain,
‘cept the repeat of an egregious stain
Cultured by anger, greed and bane –
There is no ‘iron’ veil.
This Pythagorean Theorem
Remains steady,
For what is behind you
Propels you, feel the pain
Motivated by numbers, it
Will manifest in transmigration
Of the peculiar soul
Purification, rituals, mysticism
Equations translated into music
Pounded out by heart
The path to heaven
Is true, just start.
Harmonious, they don’t give a damn
This anvil of life
Cascades into a freefall,
Navigating perilously
Mitigated with gall,
Jettisoning the baggage
No time to stall;
This cup will not pass
This way again, for today – nor
Tomorrow, but certainly in the present, a
Diabolical amusement is
Explored from a lens:
Molten in lava black,
Red hot with thunder,
Encasing the problem
With shellac’d metaphysics,
Preserved forever more
Never: lack.
Hang on tight
I’ve got your back.
Arranged in the motion
Of a key
Sharpened with knowledge
Sting worthy of a bee
Hark! Hear that voice –
Carpathian Mountains speak the answer;
For in my heart
I rejoice.

LDS (2007, March 31)

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Old 07-06-2010, 05:41 AM   #2
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Come closer to my heart

And feel the sounds that long to take you

Through all the hollows: a labyrinth of sorrow.

The sorrow of my life

Has long been dimmed from the walls of fear

But the still, deep and cool blue waters of my being

Welcome the clatter of the babbling brook: your Presence.

The sounds that pulse through my being

Are shaped by good and bad

Mostly, conveying a sharper image ~

Yours: for proper consumation.

I will listen to the sounds of your streaming brook:

Echo’s that come from the corridors

Being sought out methodically by your deep hunger

Releasing trinkets of treasured wisdom

Spun of the finest microfibre: a llama’s woolen fur

Meant to keep me warm inside

For those days that I will miss you most ~

I turn to memories

Made by the pounding of surging waters

Colliding within this deep labyrinth

Where sorrow did once reside

Only Now: with patience and time

The wounded and healed: do abide.

LDS (2006, Sept. 13th)
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:45 AM   #3
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The Etymology of You

Where shall I turn my gaze to?

Is it within today’s moment?

Which skin of thought will be capricious?

Around the corner, in my mind

A slow burn of fear

Cast waves of bent emotion

A paroxysm


My existentialist point of view.

It seemed so ordinary

This seepage of entanglement

But it floated

Off like a silken slip


Jagged, sharp, puncturing ~


Store of desire

Changing the garment with struggled stain

I’m no different ~

You proclaim.

Everyone is just everyone


No pain.

Even in the immensity of shared feelings

The towering inferno

Of shame

Dropped like a floating balloon

Was swept away

By the fullness of this new moon.

Here and now

Appearing like a light

Emerging from the fog of life

Is the




LDS (2006, Novemberr 30th)
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Old 07-06-2010, 11:10 PM   #4
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I have several close friends who have lost loved ones in death over the past few years and recently, I learned that my mother has been diagnosed with cancer. She's a Psy Nurse and she keeps working as if there is nothing wrong with her - determined not to miss one moment in life - saying that she'd rather keep herself busy until the end. When she came to see me this past spring break, she let me in on the news because I asked her if she was going to come to my universities commencement ceremony next year - even though I graduate this December. She said she didn't think she would make it. Each day I talk with her by phone, I wonder if it will be the last time I hear her voice.

Since then, other losses have occurred in my own family. I feel like I've been through a threshold of painful experiences - a series of them - and when I wrote the poem below, I had no idea how much I would need it for myself. So, I'm leaving it here tonight - not only for me - but for others who might need some small bit of encouragement, too.

The Valley of Bones

Dense is the structure upon which our foundation is built:

pleading for balance and harmony
living cells
searching for truth
giver of life, the invisible hand we seek

Temple of mine:
as we work to breathe, in and out;
let my mind release all there is, which is toxic
let my mind welcome all that is nourishing,
for as we wander through the caverns of life
we seek safety from what hurts us:

As we reach for what best there is
let us remember where our densest manifestation of spirit lay,
within the valley of the bones:

The last part of our body to solidify,
the last to decompose,
we dance to the drumming of the living pulse
as if we grow like a rose.
Encumbered at times in a thorny briar
seeking relief from a scorching fire
our beloved bones dance, our hips in scarlet;
bathed in the blood of life,
a single desire:

to be released from our pain and sorrow
rising from sack cloth are our smoking ashes;
the river of Gilead's balm washes us,
and releases us to experience life anew;
causing us to allow what the drumming vibrations signal --
to rise from the valley of death,
to the embered skies which are hued in blue:

Soaring to heights yet explored

let us dance:
dance for all that is new,
dance because we know it's true,
that where balance and harmony exist
it's because in the valley of the bones
we dared to dance:




shades of glorious

LDS (2008, December 24th)
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Old 07-07-2010, 02:20 AM   #5
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The question that is asked the most; we hear it everyday,
“What time Is it?” they want to know, and then they go away.
It's time for bed, it's time for work, or time to feed the fishes,

It's time to take your medicine, or wash and dry the dishes.
Time in seconds, time in hours, so many freckles past a hair,
depending on the zone, or whether daylights savings there.
Time is measured many ways from minutes to months,
Time is what keeps everything from happening at once!

A time to live, a time to die, a time for having fun,
Clocks and calenders alike, all scheduled by the sun.
Intervals that cant be hurried, will not be denied,
a season that we know that's coming, as surely as the tide.

If there ever comes a time when time will be no more,
I wonder how we'll know to quit, or when it was before.
Do we hurry? Do we loaf? It depends upon the time...
Had we started earlier, we'd be finished with this rhyme.

author Erin F "Time"

Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.

It is said, " Some lives are linked across time.....

Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages "......
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:47 PM   #6
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Le Fragrance du Jour

I’ve been on my own for far too long,
Not that this is what I prefer –
It is just the way the ‘cards’ were seemingly dealt:
Even if I wanted to melt
It would take careful timing,
Diligence of mind,
Deliberately applied and felt.

Today, as I make my way into the world,
I stand before my closet –
Scanning my wardrobe, left to right:
Sweaters begin on the left,
Migrating toward the middle of night wear;
Then Slips, garters, stockings and skirts,
Dresses made for a Cascadian night.

Lifting, teasing out, sorting colors I feel akin to,
Holding them close before me –
I decide if I should try them on:
Slipping one on, then relieved
Over and over again, I go
Kinesthetically, making conscious choices,
Until a perfection of fit - has been achieved.

Thus is the fragrance of life that I live by,
Not entirely on my own –
I seek that which is most likely to send these vibrations:
With deep need for me
My desire is to make you groan,
Sated only by your ability
That causes me to moan.


(24, November, 2009)
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