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Old 07-05-2017, 10:41 AM   #1
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Default Gastro-Love! Foodies and Kitchen-Dwellers UNITE!

Post all your food-love, utensil-love, gadgets and such here!
This isn't a photo-thread - Just a place to share our joy about all the things in the kitchen and belly.

I had a moment while cooking the other night where I was relishing in the burst of a lemon squeeze over simmering string beans, the earthy and acidic scent of finely-minced garlic, and the waft of an olive-oil plume over my favorite All-Clad pan.

JD has RUINED me on All-Clad cookware. I had a trusty set of Rachel Ray pans with bright orange silicon handles, glass lids, and non-stick surfaces and they served me well for a few years but DAMN, All-Clad is like cooking with a Humvee. Sturdy and durable, and able to take a beating (and yes, there is a joke in there somewhere but I'll leave it alone!)

I've been making a lot of meals in the last year with a white wine reduction so I've taken to buying Black Box Chardonnay when at home because our selection in Arkansas isn't great. Otherwise, I pick up a divinely cheap bottle of 2.79 Chardonnay at the local farmer's market and it is totally adequate for cooking.

Now, tell me all your delicious business!
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Old 07-05-2017, 04:19 PM   #2
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WHAT?? Not a photo thread?? i didn't think we had enough of them! <snark>

my Vegettini! i make zoodles several times a week out of zucchini...

Keto is serving me well now that i am eating a few times a day < adjust halo>
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Old 07-05-2017, 04:44 PM   #3
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Love this thread! I'm a total foodie, although not so much a cook any longer. I'm looking forward to posting here again soon
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Old 07-06-2017, 08:45 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by girl_dee View Post
WHAT?? Not a photo thread?? i didn't think we had enough of them! <snark>

my Vegettini! i make zoodles several times a week out of zucchini...

Keto is serving me well now that i am eating a few times a day < adjust halo>


I haven't made them in a while but I would do a biggo pile of zoodles and carrots and garlic and make a mock-alfredo out of a couple of Laughing Cow cheese wedges, some chicken broth, lots of spices, and a little half and half or almond milk with dry Parmesan. It wasn't as satisfying as the real deal but for the calorie exchange it sure took the cravings away.
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Old 07-06-2017, 08:49 AM   #5
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I have a bunch of veggies marinating in the fridge and some chicken in mojito-style seasoning for grilling later tonight.

I love to make kabobs and grill a bunch of stuff up all at once so there is plenty to gnaw on for the rest of the week.

I chopped up a bunch of red peppers, purple onion, garlic, zucchini, squash, and will throw in some cherry tomatoes. They are stewing in olive oil and lime juice with smoked salt, granulated garlic, lots of black pepper, and a tiny bit of cumin. I'll pop them on some skewers later and they'll sizzle over a charcoal grill for a while later tonight.

We are basically having a late 4th of July meal and will cut up the giant watermelon that has been living on the countertop for the last 4 days LOL

One thing I love about summer? ALL THE FRESH VEGGIES AND FRUITS!! HUZZAH!
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Old 07-06-2017, 09:53 AM   #6
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Medusa...last night the roomie made us big thick pork chops, steamed fresh beets & greens, a baked sweet potato...but the chops...OHHHH MYYY.

She used up those random bits of bread end pieces, crumbled them with some diced onion & spices & chicken broth and made a "stuffing" of it & placed on top of pork chops & baked them in oven.

Those chops were so damned moist & fell off the bone....mouthgasms......
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Old 07-06-2017, 02:50 PM   #7
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I haven't made them in a while but I would do a biggo pile of zoodles and carrots and garlic and make a mock-alfredo out of a couple of Laughing Cow cheese wedges, some chicken broth, lots of spices, and a little half and half or almond milk with dry Parmesan. It wasn't as satisfying as the real deal but for the calorie exchange it sure took the cravings away.

< is fighting the urge to post a pic of a sample of my zoodles >

my fave is shrimp and zoodles with a buttload of butter and garlic (keto safe!)
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Old 07-07-2017, 09:55 AM   #8
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Simple breakfast this morning of scrambled eggs with dill, smoked salt, and mozzarella cheese, center-cut bacon, and a big bowl of grapes, raspberries, and cherries.

Tonight will be a simple dinner because we have a lot to do and want to cram in as much time as possible before I return home. We will be trying out some chicken and swiss meatballs and I'll do brussels sprouts pulled apart into "chips" with olive oil, black pepper, granulated lime, smoked salt, and a squeeze of fresh lemon once out of the oven.

Today is all about working at home and cleaning the kitchen. I'm a little sheepish to admit I love cleaning the kitchen. I love scrubbing the countertops and stove, loading up the dishwasher, cleaning out the fridge, and wiping down the appliances and cabinets. Something joyful about open windows, podcasts, and a sparkling food-prep area!
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Old 07-07-2017, 10:27 AM   #9
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I love spending time out in the kitchen too!

Lately, I'd say since last Christmas, I began to slowly 'weed' out all the usual flour, sugar and pre-packaged food things I used to keep on hand. I now buy alternate flour's, stevia, I still keep local honey stocked, but carefully use it (per doctor's orders), I also buy certain types of breads now too. I stock rice or almond milk, rather than regular milk. I don't drink coffee anymore but keep a small sampling of coffee to make for impromptu guest visits by friends or family. I drink herbal teas, hot or cold. Filtered water or natural spring water is the type of water I like, especially artesian water.

My kitchen has a few energy saving appliances, but the appliances not in use I keep unplugged. To save on the power bill, I switched to LED lights, and rarely use lights. But my favorite torchier lamp by my bed has twin lights, functions. One has a small natural light LED bulb, the other is a red LED bulb which I use or turn on late at night. I have light sensitivity so the LED lights have improved how my eyes feels, plus the bulbs last more than 13 years and although expensive, it's cut my power bill down greatly to use LED lighting and energy efficient appliances.

When I move I plan to invest in new pots and pans and buy several hand held can opener devices....electric ones are useful, but I prefer keeping a low power bill.

I love, Love, LOVE making apple pies. I also experiment with creating my own sauces and breads. Some turn out really good but replicating the same outcome varies widely....still.

Love your forum thread idea Medusa,,,,, and like you, I do like a clean kitchen.

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Old 07-07-2017, 10:30 AM   #10
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Oooohhh! You know what? I prefer the hand-held can-opener things too. The electric ones are handy and MUCH easier on my carpal tunnel hands but I hate the clutter.
I don't generally keep small appliances out on my counter either. Just my biggo industrial Kitchenaide mixer and my Keurig!
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Old 07-07-2017, 03:42 PM   #11
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My kitchen counter space is sort of taken up with several small appliances: toaster oven, blender, wood cutting board, clay pottery, microwave, radio, huge designer serving platter-dishes,
And other types of stuff. If I need working space to roll pie dough or that type of creative process, then I clear off my cherry wood bistro table in the dining area..... to do that kind of thing.

My kitchen is not overly big and it sort of shares a marital relationship to the dining area.

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Old 07-07-2017, 06:44 PM   #12

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I was given the best kitchen knowledge by my two grandmas: one from Russia and the other from Norway. Both immigrated from each of their respective home land in search of safe home to raise their children along with their husbands.

Always use a gas stove/oven
Learn how to can/preserve/store
Be diligent about your knife being sharp
Have a tea pot of boiling water available
Use salt on all your cast irons' for cleaning
Take at least one moment to give thanks
Make more than needed to share
Share your recipes with those who ask

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Old 07-08-2017, 06:26 AM   #13
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i have a knife sharpening fetish........... with a stone and oil of course
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Old 07-13-2017, 04:09 PM   #14
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I'm currently pining away for "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child but also culling my other cookbooks so I can't justify getting a new cookbook while trying to weed things out of my belongings.

I actually really enjoy the "Better Homes New Cookbook"! My Mom gave it to me on my 18th birthday and it has been a loyal companion since then and has some of my favorite old standby recipes.

Other favorites:

The New Amish Cook
"Dinnertime" by Ree Drummond (the Pioneer Woman)
Treasured Amish and Mennonite Recipes
An old raggedy-assed cookbook from 1929 that belonged to my Great-Grandmother and that still has her handwriting in it!

What are your favorite cookbooks?!
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Old 07-13-2017, 06:14 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
I'm currently pining away for "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child but also culling my other cookbooks so I can't justify getting a new cookbook while trying to weed things out of my belongings.

I actually really enjoy the "Better Homes New Cookbook"! My Mom gave it to me on my 18th birthday and it has been a loyal companion since then and has some of my favorite old standby recipes.

Other favorites:

The New Amish Cook
"Dinnertime" by Ree Drummond (the Pioneer Woman)
Treasured Amish and Mennonite Recipes
An old raggedy-assed cookbook from 1929 that belonged to my Great-Grandmother and that still has her handwriting in it!

What are your favorite cookbooks?!
i lost mine, but it was an index card box filed with cards of recipe's from my mamere' and my mother. The cards hand their handwritings on them..some were typed on a typewriter... . and my mamere' would jot down "a dab of ole"o or something else that only meant something to her.

This was a treasure that i hold dear in my memory.
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Old 07-13-2017, 06:44 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
I'm currently pining away for "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child but also culling my other cookbooks so I can't justify getting a new cookbook while trying to weed things out of my belongings.

I actually really enjoy the "Better Homes New Cookbook"! My Mom gave it to me on my 18th birthday and it has been a loyal companion since then and has some of my favorite old standby recipes.

Other favorites:

The New Amish Cook
"Dinnertime" by Ree Drummond (the Pioneer Woman)
Treasured Amish and Mennonite Recipes
An old raggedy-assed cookbook from 1929 that belonged to my Great-Grandmother and that still has her handwriting in it!

What are your favorite cookbooks?!
I think it was about a month ago now, but I watched a superb documentary about Julia Child on PBS. She was ahead of her time and she was meticulous in all her endeavors to help people learn how to cook foods in a variety of ways. And super funny, very dry humor .... I would say.

I have one cookbook that my mother gave to me back in the early 1990s. It's full.of recipes from ladies in her church, ladies we grew up knowing at church, and we're very close to.

I rarely use cook books. I learned ratios and various cooking methods from my Aunt, on my dad's side of the family. Aunt Kate was my dad's mom's only sister. She was of French and German descent. I learned from her, and use her style of cooking and baking. By heart. No recipes.

But if I personally make something that turned out fairly well, I convert everything I did to recipe form.

Btw, have you ever tried roasted cactus???

I just dined at a locally owned restaurant, which is owned by elderly Mexican family friends. Omg, it was d e l i s h!

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Old 07-13-2017, 07:12 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
What are your favorite cookbooks?!
The Modern Family Cookbook - from the 1950's, it was one of those how-to-do-everything for new brides cookbooks, from how to make bridge party snacks to how to singe a chicken and rub with soda to get the pin feathers out. Some of it is no longer applicable with today's modern foods, but it's still a solid source of information and basic recipes.

Low-Fat Soul by Jonell Nash - Back when low-fat was the craze, Jonell Nash de-fatted a lot of her favorite family recipes. It is full of delicious things, and has my go-to recipe for greens.

Also, a bunch of church and school cookbooks with contributed favorite family recipes. I love both the ones from my own geographic area, and from other areas, too. There's always something delicious in these.
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Old 07-13-2017, 09:17 PM   #18
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Right now we have a super small kitchen space. Then again, I've never seen a really big kitchen in a 40 foot 5th wheel. So for now until our house is built I do a great deal of our cooking on the grill. When the house is done I'll have my dream kitchen with an island to die for and a big ol gas stove.
Gadgets... we have a Ninja cooker, love it! I was gifted a beautiful kitchen aid stand mixer for Christmas a couple years ago. Utensils are best if made of bamboo or silicone. Once the house is done it will be like Christmas all over again. I'm certain since we've been living tiny for almost a year now I will do a huge purge of things that really aren't needed.
I just love to cook and play in the kitchen. Some of my favorite memories are centered around creating in the kitchen. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this thread. Thank you Medusa.

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Old 07-14-2017, 01:05 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by girl_dee View Post
i lost mine, but it was an index card box filed with cards of recipe's from my mamere' and my mother. The cards hand their handwritings on them..some were typed on a typewriter... . and my mamere' would jot down "a dab of ole"o or something else that only meant something to her.

This was a treasure that i hold dear in my memory.

Aww! I remember my Great Auntie had a little box like that and I was so upset when her asshole daughter took it and threw it away. My Great Auntie made the best pasta sauce aka "spaghetti gravy" that I've ever put in my mouth and without a recipe, the family spent years trying to recreate it but we all failed miserably.

That's one thing I think about with everyone "going digital". I hope the hand-written recipes with boxes and little cookbooks stay around in paper form
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Old 07-14-2017, 01:10 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Kätzchen View Post
I think it was about a month ago now, but I watched a superb documentary about Julia Child on PBS. She was ahead of her time and she was meticulous in all her endeavors to help people learn how to cook foods in a variety of ways. And super funny, very dry humor .... I would say.

I have one cookbook that my mother gave to me back in the early 1990s. It's full.of recipes from ladies in her church, ladies we grew up knowing at church, and we're very close to.

I rarely use cook books. I learned ratios and various cooking methods from my Aunt, on my dad's side of the family. Aunt Kate was my dad's mom's only sister. She was of French and German descent. I learned from her, and use her style of cooking and baking. By heart. No recipes.

But if I personally make something that turned out fairly well, I convert everything I did to recipe form.

Btw, have you ever tried roasted cactus???

I just dined at a locally owned restaurant, which is owned by elderly Mexican family friends. Omg, it was d e l i s h!

I am SO going to look up that Julia Child documentary! I hope I can find it on the net somewhere! LOL

I rarely use recipes either...or at least in their exact form. I've been making certain things since I was a kid so the recipe exists in my head and experienced hands. Occasionally I will pull out one of my favorite recipe books to compare the basic ingredients but generally wing it.
If it's something I've never made before, I might follow a recipe more closely (especially if it is something delicate like a souffle) but generally once is all I will need the written instructions.

I haven't had roasted cactus but it sounds delish! They have several different kinds of cactus at the Farmer's Market in Decatur so I might have to grab some and give it a try the next time I'm out that way!
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