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Old 08-13-2020, 07:29 AM   #1
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Default How has Covid-19 effected the way you move around daily?

The way we move around in our daily lives has changed from our "norm". How has it changed for you? What do you do differently? What have you stopped doing? Anything related to how Covid-19 has changes how you do things.
Yeah so what if I'm triple dipped in awesome sauce?

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Old 08-13-2020, 07:37 AM   #2
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One thing for me is my Mom. I didn't let her leave the house for almost 3 months. I picked up all of her requests and took them to her, but I haven't hugged my parents since April. THAT is killing me as I am a hugger.

Also I'm expecting to attend a grave side funeral next week and will see people I haven't seen in several years including my step children. Not hugging will be so hard. I realize it is a must.
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Old 08-13-2020, 07:56 AM   #3
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I'm usually pretty good at recognizing my customers but now that half their faces are covered, half the time I don't know who I'm talking to unless they identify themselves.

I spend a good portion of the day cleaning surfaces with wipes.

Definitely no hugging or hand shakes or anything more than waves and air high fives.

I've worn my mask so much that I can see a slight difference in my skin tone between my forehead and the second half of my face.

If someone doesn't have a mask, I feel agitated and am quick to remind them to put one on before entering my workplace. I also feel free to feel Judgey McJudgerson when I see someone in a public place, like a grocery store, without one.

There's more of a feeling of disconnect to humanity now and a super charged connection to cleaning supplies and bathroom tissue.

I'm misunderestimated.
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Old 08-13-2020, 11:46 AM   #4
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Default I believe Social Distancing saves your life.

If anything, I think Covid19 has magnified a fuck ton of critical issues, that ummm, impacts ones life in some form or another.

It has made me hyper conscious of people who cant stop picking their noses (YUKKO) and touching everything else.

It's also made me super aware of those who cant keep their hands to themselves. Inside my head, I hear myself screaming: "Keep your fucking hands off me and keeep your hands to yourself."

I try to see the positive side in life, but I would say that Covid19 has definitely uncovered glaring, problematic issues that are not easily solved.

Mainly, I think Covid19 will be around for quite awhile.

One thing that I think has helped a lot is Social Distancing. It is a lifesaver, for sure.

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Old 08-13-2020, 12:35 PM   #5

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Well CCB and I really do live like hermits so the Covid didn't change too much in the social realm of our lives. It has changed how we shop and where we shop. It has added to both of our depressions some as well. We really do try to keep it fun though. I'm glad to have a rather small circle. It's hard to check up on everybody. We are definitely watching more tv. I'm becoming adventurous with the cooking too. Not always vegetarian but I'm trying to make things CCB can enjoy as well.
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Old 08-13-2020, 01:06 PM   #6
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So much has changed for me. I used to go out daily to work. I stay home 24/7. I used to work for other people. Now I work on my personal projects while looking for freelance work that allows me to work from home.

I used to go out for groceries to a number of different stores in my city. Now I primarily shop from 2 places with delivery service.

I used to eat out at least once a week. Sometimes on my own some times with others. Haven't done that in months.

I used to do shopping for one of my neighbors. Her ornery grandson now lives with her and I never see her.

Would try to catch one outdoor concert or live performance during the summer. I may not ever go to a concert hall again.

When I go out I always have a mask and gloves. Even to take out the garbage or to get the mail.

I eat a hell of a lot less and more healthful food. Stress (good and bad stress) drove my eating habits. I'm a bit stressed being inside 24/7 but it's manageable for me.

I'm more healthy than I've been in awhile.

I'm more cautious and afraid than I've been. Never, ever thought I'd live through something as devastating as this is turning out to be. Never.
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Old 08-13-2020, 01:51 PM   #7
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I use hand sanitizer almost obsessively when out and about. I even carry it into places with me. I didn't dine in for months but do now but only at 2 different places. Yes my sanitizer goes to the table with me.

I have about 6 masks and bought a few for Mom. She realizes the dangers if going out and has learned to be vigilant with her mask and sanitizer.

One thing I've learned that I thought I knew how to do is was my hands. I had it almost right but wasn't washing long enough.

I did go to an auction and it scared me to death! No more indoor auctions for me!

I had knee surgery which I was nervous about the people and the virus not the surgery. However they were great and used the hospital sanitizer and put in a new mask each time each one came into my cube before surgery.

I can say I may have a little bit of depression from all this sitting at home. No trips anywhere coupled with not healing as quickly as I want me to.
Yeah so what if I'm triple dipped in awesome sauce?

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Old 08-13-2020, 04:37 PM   #8
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I haven't hugged my mom since the beginning of March. I'm so glad she lives down the road so we can visit outside but I miss playing cards with her and hugging her so badly.

I have seen my nephews three times since the beginning of March. Outside only. I used to have them pretty much every other day. I miss them terribly.

I haven't had a slumber party with my girlfriends since January. We usually do that every few months. That energy is priceless and I miss it.

I haven't seen live music since February. That is like 20 years in Easy years. My girlfriends and I have a 25 year history of going to shows together and we've been on a dead halt.

I've been an obsessive hand washer most of my life but it's more now.

My job has become very much more stressful and it was already stressful before this, working in a women's crisis center.

My partner and I have found many sweet spots of quiet time together that does not require going out or being with crowds.

My inner introvert has had a little satiation but since I haven't been able to stop working I'm craving alone time a little extra. A lot extra.

This weekend is an annual campout that I do with my friends. A small crew is going. I'm not going. It's too many people from downstate NY and it feels risky. Plus it's my dog's favorite weekend of the year and he's too old/weak/sick to go and it would break my heart to go without him.

I'm thankful that I generally crave quite low stimulation activity in my free time. I'm getting more of that than I used to and it's good for me.

My partner and I grew a tremendous garden. It wasn't that we had more time since we both never stopped working, but it was a wonderful project to work on together and create something beautiful when we were homebound on evenings and weekends.
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Old 08-13-2020, 05:09 PM   #9
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I have been in almost exclusively since March! Being a social butterfly & extrovert, this is hard for me.

I wash my hands frequently, for full 20 seconds, OR two choruses of Happy Birthday!

Sanitize often, have it everywhere, except my SUV..I have one in my fanny pack (not good to leave sanitizer in car heat).

My groceries are ordered online, curbside, no contact pickup.

I do join a video chat with friends in another group) 2 or 3 nights a week. That is good, gives me a chance to "cyberlize"..lol..my new word..lol

TV is on a lot, hardly ever any news. Mostly my reality shows, the ones i cana get anyway.

I do get delivery or drive thru as a treat.

I limit contacts to just 3 people in my building that I am close with.

I wear a mask every time I leave my apartment.

My writing has taken off, thinking of doing a blog....

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Old 08-13-2020, 08:47 PM   #10
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Definitely, for sure, I hate things that go around my ears! I figured out real fast that my masks have to be tied.

I'm not wearing makeup these days.

I have always washed my hands. I have handled nasty dirty money for years. It's the hand sanitizer that is taking a toll on my nails. I hate that part. I tried wearing gloves, but I tend to go thru them fast due to the amount of hand washing I do.

I find myself thinking how rude I seem when I take a step back from people. But hey, I'm not the only one! Lol

I miss eating out. I have been cooking more. Alot of prep now, with my all over the place schedule.

I'm glad I was able to visit my Mom in May. It won't be long before I will be able to see her more often. I'll feel better when that happens.

...stay safe...

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Old 04-10-2021, 06:30 PM   #11
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I miss olive bars and sushi bars.

A kiss is a whisper in your mouth.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it back.
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Old 04-11-2021, 09:38 AM   #12
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Default Covid

We have not eaten out in over a year. I order food from the website and pick it up curbside. We are vaccinated now so we got our first professional hair cuts in a year. It was yummy. I miss inperson.
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Old 04-12-2021, 05:34 AM   #13
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Default covid 19 changes

I have not gotten a haircut since Xmas and we are on total shutdown so I get my groceries, come home, take off my hat and there you have it. Only time in my life I have worn a hat whenever I go out. I may have to check in for some ponytail tips if this goes much longer. (no pun intended)
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Old 04-12-2021, 06:27 AM   #14
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The biggest change was moving from having a home health care worker come in to pick up all the hours, to having J get certified in order to pick up part of the hours the aide stopped being able to cover when she had to help her mom due to changing needs during the pandemic, to J becoming my full time helper when the aide had to quit. She said it was actually easier to just do it all herself than have someone come in and have to spend so much time helping the help. I appreciate J stepping up and my son being so supportive, helping make that possible, however I'm really looking forward to getting my independence back. I'd rather not need anyone to come in but as long as I have to I'd rather have family be family and the help the help.

Another big change, plans to get back behind the wheel. By the time it became clear what we should, shouldn't be out doing the weather began to turn. Out in the cold, with so many places closed didn't seem like a very good time to be out practicing my driving. Now, though restrictions are being lifted, more places are open and the weather is warming, my son says he doesn't feel comfortable about me out driving around in the middle of a pandemic in the car he planned to give me so bear with him, be patient while he works on finding something affordable that will be a lot more reliable. So transportation, a lot has changed and continues in that department.

Also I'm very isolated. I figured this would be a great place to meet new people because the entire property is set up for that. We have a pool, weight room, billiard table, computer lab, outdoor picnic areas, walking trails and so much more. Plenty of opportunities to socialize only now we can't. I don't know anyone here, don't have a car yet, there is no public transportation and nothing but one gas station within walking distance. There is a store that will be close to us once they open a road they plan to put in but for right now I'm pretty much out in the middle of nowhere. I see my family a lot which helps but the vast majority of the time I'm alone which I'm not used and it sucks.

Right now life seems on hold, a whole bunch of hurry up and wait. Things are changing. J and I went to the library for the first time in forever the other day. We're able to go walking in a couple more parks now so long as we practice social distancing. It's to the point now where we can pretty much do everything we used to before the pandemic just in a much more limited way and most of it only when we're masked up. LOL I bet now even the movie theaters are open, to three people a showing. One good thing, change for the better, before this pandemic I never did any shopping for fresh foods online, had any delivered. I didn't know you could and probably wouldn't have had I known but now that I've been forced to I've found I sort of like it for some things, definitely not tomatoes though.
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