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Old 07-25-2024, 02:49 PM   #1
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Default The 2024 US Presidential Election Watch Thread 💙⭐️💙⭐️💙

This forum thread is for comments and insights by community members as we get ready to kick off the most important election in US history.

I usually have a lot to say about politics but just this morning, while visiting with a friend by phone, she suggested that maybe I should start a thread for others to voice their thoughts and concerns, ahead of the November election.

We were talking about who Vice President Kamala Harris might choose as her partner for vice president, over the next four years.

I shared my thoughts about who I think might be her natural political counterpart. I explained that of the potential VP picks available, I felt that Josh Shapiro (D-GOV Pennsylvania) would be the cream of the crop pick. I also talked about how Andy (D-GOV Kentucky) would be a brilliant choice as well as Gretchen (D-GOV Michigan) too. I explained to my friend that while Mark Kelly (DEM AZ) from Arizona, Gabby’s husband, would make a fine choice that I felt it was better for Mark to stay in AZ due to the purple (dem/gop mix) condition of that state that needs remarkable people like Mark to keep watch over GOP led Trumpian attacks on the nations democratic responsibilities and ensure that T—p is held accountable along with his GOP destroyers of democracy. I also highlighted ongoing missions in Michigan that aren’t tied down quite yet, so I feel like Gretchen should stay in Michigan and see justice through concerning Trumpian crimes committed there too.

Andy Besear (D-GOV Kentucky) is a real sweetheart of a guy. Andy is beyond ethical and highly principled and has led both members of his state parties (gop & dem) to overcome toxic policy implemented by T—p and is a man of his word. I believe he is expert on holding dark GOP coal mining interests at bay (Manchin- he’s no democrat, I believe he lines his pockets with cash just like his GOP buddies who stand to gain something from his political stand on coal, which he has a huge stake in coal mining issues he has contributed to, not solved like Andy has).

That leaves Josh Shapiro. Democratic governor of Pennsylvania.

Josh is not only a brilliant strategist, he is immaculate in his desire to preserve US democracy and help with holding Netanyahu accountable (cannot stand that man, even Israeli’s are calling him out for pandering to the toxic GOP & T—p who cannot tell the truth if it killed them).

How about anyone else? Ideas and comments about this years election are welcome.


Here’s to our country electing Kamala Harris as our future president for the United States of America. My hope is that THE PEOPLE will send a resounding message to the world that we don’t elect felons to office. Nor do we kowtow to the elected officials of the GOP who keep serving Trumpian agenda. We are a free country whose entire framework is being dismantled by TP & his GOP counterparts. Let’s keep our country free of dark interests and elect people who truly care about our freedoms being attacked and destroyed by Trumpian dark actors.

Yes We Kam❣️

People for Kamala Harris UNITE !

The Seneca Project
Galvanize Women, Save Democracy

Last edited by Kätzchen; 07-25-2024 at 03:07 PM.
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