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Old 05-20-2014, 05:33 PM   #221

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Default Melissa

Melissa, my friend
It has been forever
Since I have seen your smiling face
Last time we spoke
We talked of how I should come to visit
Maybe next year I said
Next year would be better
Now next year will never come
Your time on Earth is over
The Goddess has called you home
To be by her side
I was blessed to have known you
Blessed even more
For having you as a friend
I am sorry I missed my chance
Chance to see you
Chance to be a good friend
Sad to say but I have learned
Next year will never happen
Lets try for today
You have touched my life
You have touched so many lives
We are all grateful
Now I will take my lessoned learned
No more living for next year
Start living for today
Tomorrow is not a guarantee
So lets start living for today
Goodbye my friend
Give the Mother my love
She will hold you close forever more
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 05-28-2014, 07:34 PM   #222

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Default Thunder Above

I hear you Mother
Thunder above
Lightening running across the sky
I know you are angry Mother
Forgive us Mother
For our arrogance
Forgive us Mother
For our presumption
That we dare to think we know more than you
I beg of thee Mother
Call back your warriors
Tornado, Hurricane,
Volcano, Earth Quake,
Blizzard, Drought,
And Extinction
Call back your storm Mother
For we tremble before your righteous power
As only the Mother can have
Bless us Mother
With love and understanding
Bless us Mother
To open our third eye
To truly see the damage we have done
I hear you Mother
Thunder above
As below
Forgive us Mother
Give us another chance
To show we can cherish the gifts you have given us
I plead mercy
For all human kind
Give us a chance
To put down our ego
And kneel before you
I beseech you Mother
Do not give up on us
I hear you Mother
Thunder above
So shall it be below
To spread your word
I vow
To show others of the joy of working
Together with all mankind and nature
Guide me Mother
Teach me wisdom
Teach me true compassion
So I might better fulfill my vow
I ask for a sign
I ask for a teacher
From your lips
To my pen
Thank you Mother
Blessed be
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 06-05-2014, 02:10 PM   #223

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Default Depression

It sits
Deep down inside of me
Like a lump of mud
Hardened with time

And if I cry
It will just turn
To gooey mud again
Still sitting deep down inside

Sucks my friend
Nothing you can do
Make me believe otherwise

Currently my bed
Is my best hiding spot
Where no one tells me
Fake it til you make

If you say that
I might rip your face off
I don't care if you understand
Just leave me be

Why do you ask why?
I don't know
It is my chemical make up
Or I just do it to annoy you

Of course everything is about you
You must have done something
Or maybe not done something
For me to get all depressed like this

So take this depression
And stuff it
Where the sun doesn't shine
Because obviously you are all powerful like that
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 06-06-2014, 11:22 PM   #224

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Default The Story of My Life

You see me
With all my ink
Both right arm
And left arm

You know there is more
Beneath all these clothes
Ink up and ink down
Ink side to side as well

But instead of asking
For the story the ink tells
You turn your head
Sure you know me already

With just a glance
I have stood in front
Of judge and jury
And I have been found wanting

Though I never spoke a word
For good or for ill
And now you will never know
If we could have been friends or not

You will never know
The purple kitty is a memory
Of my sister and I
Together right before our mothers passing

You will never know
The Jasmine flower
Is for the woman
Who helped me beyond measure

You are so sure
You know all
Just from a look
And of course you cannot be wrong

But since you didn't ask
You will never know
The story of my life
That all this ink tells
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 06-12-2014, 11:06 PM   #225

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Default Mercury is in Retrograde

Hey there
Listen to me
Do you believe
The heavens can affect the Earth?
The planets in the vast sky
Some so close
Others so very far
People believe
A full moon cause the crazies
To come out of the woodwork
And tonight is a full moon
Oh my! Look!
The calendar says it is Friday
The thirteenth day of June
On top of all of that
Mercury is in retrograde
All hell is going to bust loose
Someone has upset the Gods and Goddesses
And I don't think virgin sacrifices are going to sooth them
Oh Dear! Oh My!
Mercury is in Retrograde
Friday the 13th
And tonight is a full moon
Run for the hills
Mercury is in Retrograde!
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 06-17-2014, 02:56 PM   #226

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Default Righteous

There has to be more than this
More than petty celebrities
More than money hungry reality stars
I'm not saying there isn't good in the world
But can't we do more than this
Either there are people
Who in their righteous judgement
Bash anyone not like them
Or those who carry
Their victim card
As a right to righteous indignation
Words and hashtags
Hashtags and words
There has to be more than this
Songs come to mind
"Where is the love?"
"Man in the Mirror"
But no one listens
To those
Or the cries of those in need
Lets start at home
So we all might be righteous
Then move outward
To help those that cry in need
Lets be righteous together
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 06-28-2014, 09:20 AM   #227

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Default Bless This House

Bless this house
And all within
With love
And understanding

May this be a house
Of welcome to all who ask for entrance
Of patience for those in need of healing
Of love for all family and friends

Fill this house with your energy
Help us sweep all the negative
Out the door

Protect us from all who wish us harm
Make this home a sanctuary
For those who mean no ill will

Thank you Lord and Lady
For all that you have blessed us with
As fitting we will endeavor to pass it on
To one and all

Blessed Be
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-09-2014, 03:56 PM   #228

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Default Once Upon A Time and Nevermore

Once upon a time
You mattered
I was concerned
If you were happy
Or if you were sad

Once upon a time
The smile on your face
Made a smile on my face
Laughing and giggling with you
Was the best thing ever

Once upon a time
I would have bent over backwards
To help you in anyway
To get you whatever you needed
But nevermore

Never more are the days
When I considered you a friend
All you want to do is tear me down
I am over you trying to drown me
In your sorrow

Never more are the days
Of your words hurting me
Of you thinking you are better
Or worse then me
I am me and you are you

Never more are the days
When you are a part of my life
I must cut you out
Like a malignant tumor
And move on to a happier tomorrow
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-10-2014, 09:05 AM   #229

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Default Brains

My brain!
Remarkable yet
Rather uniform with every other Joe

In my dreams
My brains are green
And oozing out the side of my head
In a hole a doctor drilled there

I don't think that was a dream
I must say it was quite terrifying
To think of my brains leaking out
All green and slimy

But what does this say of my mind?
My brains are rotting?
My mind is diseased?
Or mayhap I should stop eating brains
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-10-2014, 05:12 PM   #230
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Default Squishies

Why do I suddenly want to play in green slime?

Oh the slippage...
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Old 07-12-2014, 09:02 AM   #231

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Default Dreaming

An adventure
That takes you around the world
Or to another galaxy

Of a fantasy world
Full of pink fuzzy bunnies
And purple clouds hanging in the sky

Of having a conversation
With the God of gods
Wrapped in the Goddess's arms

Of what was
Of what will be
A notion your dream is more then a dream

Turned nightmare
Because you watched a zombie movie
Or an end of the world movie right before bed

The possibility of being the hero of your favorite book
Of being the sexy damsel in distress
Or maybe the complete opposite gender roles

Is filled of all sorts of possibilities
So carry your dreams
Into reality and make them come true
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-14-2014, 05:17 AM   #232

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Default A Tragic Ending

Reality is quite frightening
On the news
So horrific
This person murdered
That person wrecked
Is this our lot in life?
To be a horror movie
In the making
But with no real
Happy endings
So very sad
It feels as if
My heart is ripped from my chest
For every terrible
Story I read
Every traumatizing
Picture I see
Be it an animal
Or a person
The loss of life
So very tragic
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-14-2014, 06:21 AM   #233

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Default One

A part of me
My better half
Making me complete
Holding me together
Tearing me apart
My soulmate
My sparring partner
As a singer once sang
Like looking in a mirror
There is no one other than you
You fill my heart
You fill my soul
As you wrap your arms around me
Cradling me against you
Trying to fall back into you
To become one
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 07-14-2014, 08:59 AM   #234
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Talking A poem by me ta very glad

I'm really very lucky
the blind man said to me
my hearing is superb
although I cannot see

I'm really very fortunate
the deaf man said to me
although my world is silent
my eyes do wonders see

I could not ask the third man
he could not speak to me
he just pointed to his eyes and ears
so I'd understand you see
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Old 07-22-2014, 08:07 AM   #235

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Default Night and Day

The day is filled with sunshine
The night is filled with starshine
The day is warm
With the suns rays beating down on us
The night is chilly
As the darkness is thick over us
During the day many feel safe
Thinking the monsters are hiding from the sun
When night descends
Many fear the monsters in the shadows
This is all an illusion
The sun mask the monsters
So they seem ordinary and friendly
While night shows them for who they truly are
But if you open your eyes and look into the night
You will see that the boogieman
Is there to protect you
And those ominous hands under the bed
There to keep the seemingly nice monsters
The one the sun hides
The human monsters that walk among you
Far far away from you.
So give thanks to the night
And fear the light of day.
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 08-02-2014, 01:44 AM   #236

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Default Life and Death

Mortality pops up
In the worst places
Reminding us that the young
Are vulnerable
Just as much as the old
But when are we officially old?
Is their a certain age?
Or maybe it is when we realize
That our mortal life
Is fleeting
Even on the best of days
Sitting on the bus
Holding hands with Death
Totally unaware of what is coming
Or maybe 50 or 60 years later
Old and grey
So many regrets
Deaths boney hand
Closing your eyes forever
Why are you waiting
To start living life
You might never have the money
Or the time
To go on that blue oceaned vacation
So stop waiting
Start living
Because Death comes for us all
One day
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 08-04-2014, 03:12 AM   #237

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Default Random Thoughts

Random thought at 5am
How would those chocolate covered pretzels taste right now?
While trying to go back to sleep

Random thought at 12pm
When can I get a nap?
As I work the day away

Random thought at 4pm
Why is that guy picking his nose?
While driving home from work

Random thought at 9pm
What new and dumber shows are they coming up with next?
While camped out on the couch

Random thought at midnight
Did I file that report before I left the office?
As I lay down to sleep
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 09-02-2014, 11:26 AM   #238

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Default Cherish

As a woman
There are many things
That we go through
That men do not
And no matter how hard they try
They will never truly understand
As a girl child
At a certain age
We are told we must cover our chests
Though little boys run around without their shirts
We are told we are different
When our puberty starts
We get bumps on our chest
Now we understand why we have to hide them
As all parents tell their little girls
Then the dreaded period
Some little girls aren't warned
Of this impending impostion
So we bleed and think we are dying
Taught not to discuss it
Specially with a male
Like it is something to be ashamed of
And we continue to grow
Bigger breasts
Curves happening all ove
rMales pay more attention then they did before
Males treat us like objects
Calling out disparaging remarks
When you deny them
Are you an angel
Or a devil
Doesn't matter
As a woman you are screwed in so many ways
Young and beautiful
You turn every mans head
It feeds a fragile ego
Based off of others opinion
As you get older
You might have children
You might not
You might see some extra weight
Maybe this shatters your own self image
Then the gym
Diet after diet
Practically killing yourself
To fit their image
Your kids are grown
You see wrinkles around your eyes and mouth
Maybe your man doesn't look at you like he did way back when
That fragile ego is crushed
Somewhere in all this mess
Menopause sets in
Hot cold hot cold
Happy then crying for 5 minutes over cat puke
Then maybe we become that cranky old lady
With a gazillion cats
For some reason this is acceptable
But if you are a hot granny
An active granny that likes to flirt
You are a cougar
The Maiden
The Mother
The Crone
We are all of them
In one lifetime
Cherish yourself
As they cherish you
Things happen, no rhyme or reason, either learn from it and grow. Or don't and fail this part of life.
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Old 10-06-2014, 03:29 PM   #239
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Default Dave the Jackal

A poem in stages 1st stage

Come an' listen to me
and I'll tell you a tale
that you might or might not believe
of a weird and wonderful occurence
what some folks find hard to perceive

Now I know the majority of folks round these parts
can manage from cradle to grave
and have nowt to do wi' a jackal as such but this tales about one..called Dave

anyhow for them as dont knows, jackals I suppose
are wild dogs wi' right sticky up ears
they live where its hot, deserts and whatnot
so you'll not see that many round here

part 2 soon
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:40 AM   #240
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Default poem

He lived on the outskirts of Cape Town did Dave
In South Africa where he thought life were dull
till he went scroungin in a truck full of apples
and ended up in a warehouse in Hull

Disorienticated I think is the word
after six thousand miles in a crate
an' it took a few weeks wi'
just apples to eat
so 'is bowels weren't behavin; too great

Then they set of again wi' him still in 'is box but
he'd chewed through the top an' were hidin'
in the hope he would be in the Serengetee
but he weren't it were Amblethwaite Sidings
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